Dear Apostle Chibuzor Gift Chinyere Of Omega Power Ministry - OPM, thank you for what God is using you to do in the lives of the underprivileged and thank you also for channeling the tithes of the members in the appropriate places.
Charity, they said, is the purest and surest way to heaven.
I am writing this short message on behalf of Mr. Aguba Kendo. I don't think he is happy that he was relocated from Akpakpa Enugu to Rivers State. If you watch this short clip, you will notice that he was clear on what he wanted you to do for him when your boys came to pick him up.
There is a certain age a man gets to; he wouldn't like to relocate or stay far from home. For instance, for someone my father, at his age, it takes a lot for me to convince him to visit the United States 🇺🇸 for a vacation.
Sometimes age could be referred to as an effect modifier.
The last time I checked, there was enough money in the church treasury to build a small house for Mr. Aguba Kendo; hence he has small land already in Enugu.
Thank you as I wait for your urgent action on this.
Please accept the assurance of my highest regards
Dr. Daniel Ochu